Thursday, October 21, 2010

Alcancias, (piggy banks)

When we first found out we were pregnant in February 2009, my husband and I decided to start saving money in piggy banks for our baby.  After some thought I said we should keep them full until Sebastian turned one, and we did.  We ended up with three piggy banks for him.  One was full of only quarter, the other of everything else, and the last was given to us by my mom.

We chose to break it a week after his birthday because we had been having some pretty busy days before and after his birthday.

Here is Sebastian with the three little pigs.

Sebastian and papi breaking piggy number one...

Wow, that's a lot of quarters along with some dollars, 5 dollar bills and I think some 20s too...

I think this was the last piggy...I think he was wishing for more bills, lol...

Yes!!! lol

We put the money in large Ziploc bags and took them to the coin machine at our bank.  My husband and I thought he had about $300, but we were way wrong!

It was more like almost $700!!!!

We couldn't believe it.  We've decided the piggy bank idea is something we're  gonna keep doing every year.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Yo ho, yo ho a pirate hat for me!

Ok, so I'm writing a couple of posts tonight so I can catch up. 

Last week I finished my halloween costume which after debating for weeks what I would be turned out to be a pirate.

I wanted to make my own costume without having to make the whole costume.  So I thought about the things I already had like the brown tights, the black dress, and the black boots.  And I thought I could bring everything together with the corset and hat.

I got the hat and corset tutorials from Threat Banger.  The only thing is that instead of using leather on both like she did, I used brown felt for the hat and suede for the corset.  Plus I added some gold rick-rack on both to make them similar.  I made some cuffs with the leftover suede and rick-rack.

For my husband's costume I just bought him a stripped t-shirt from TJMaxx, he had everything else.  He refused to wear the white long sleeve blouses for his costume, lol.

Sebastian's First Birthday party

The day started off with Sebastian's first haircut early in the morning...

Then we dealt with the rain....

Decorating, rain, decorating again, rain...

But everything came out perfect.

These are the "First Year" frames with baby pictures of Sebastian.

Here are the cupcakes my sisters-in-law made for us which I topped with superman rings I purchased online.

This cake was delicious!!!  It was half orange cake and half chocolate, mmmmmmmmmmm....

We had cheeseburgers, hot dogs, homemade potato and beat salad, pasta salad with shrimp and Italian pasta salad.  Plus nachos with cheese.

My in laws brought us the pinatas from TJ especially made for Sebastian's party.  He loved the Superman one.  The other was a large blue number one of which I put some fringe and a superman emblem to go with the theme.  Oh, we had eight more smaller pinatas of the superman emblem with candy for decoration which the kids were able to take home.

This was the main centerpiece for the cake and gift table.  I had this made  at Alva's Dulceria in Santa Ana, CA especially for Sebastian.  It was about $22.

He was so excited to break his first pinata...

Everyone was so surprised he did so good...

The party was a success thanks to the help of both my family and my husband's.  Thank you everyone for making this day so special for my son!